Cañada College - Promise Scholars Program (PSP)

August 03, 2019

Cañada College - Promise Scholars Program (PSP)

Like many parents with a college-bound teenager, I’ve been pre-occupied with the rising cost of college tuition and related expenses. I’ve also witnessed the high levels of stress that my daughter, a high school Junior, has experienced these last few years maintaining a high GPA and balancing extra-curricular activities.


As you all know, the selection and admittance process to a four-year university is also incredibly competitive.

However, thanks to our friends at Cañada College, I’ve learned about an alternate path through the Promise Scholars Program (PSP). This path is less stressful, less expensive and available through the California Community College system and ultimately ensure admittance to many of the CSUs and UCs provided students maintain a specific GPA.

In the next few weeks, we will feature testimonials from students at Cañada College on how this program is working for them.

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